Local Leadership Training Resource

Kaaba Colloquium Octogram Logo with a sun in the center, surrounded by the phrase Led 2 Gold.

Local Leadership Training Resource
of United States Grand Lodge,
Ordo Templi Orientis

Team Recommended Reads on Leadership or Related Topics

2024 EV

Previous years are available on the Recommended Reads Page

Kaaba Colloquium Leadership Workshop is the latest iteration of the local leadership training resource utilized within U.S.G.L. We provide online videos for study and facilitation, leadership papers, in-person training, online activities such as our Leadership Book Club, and the occasional blog post

We aim to educate our members and current leaders, provide access to national leaders, and inspire the growth of future leaders. 

As a side benefit, attendees will pick up skills to leverage in their daily lives, including volunteer management and how to have difficult conversations. 

The Kaaba speaker pool includes representatives of numerous teams across U.S.G.L., including members of the Strategic Planning Office, the Education Committee, the Families Committee, the Internet Technology Committee, AIT, graduated and seated Electors, chartered initiators, ordained clergy, past NOTOCON planners, numerous experienced past masters, and an SGIG or two. 

Due to this, if an attendee has a question or an issue, we hope to be able to address it in the moment or find an answer quickly. 

As has always been our custom, the presentation topics are constantly evolving in response to the planning demands of U.S.G.L. and the growing sophistication of local bodies. During the quarantine, some things changed in how U.S.G.L. functions and how we access technology in our work. Therefore, our materials must also evolve. 

To that end, the Kaaba Colloquium development team took a planning retreat in November 2022 to design our online and in-person offerings. We returned to the road with an all-new program in June of 2024 E.V. and have continued our twice-annual Leadership Roadshow since. 

For more information, Contact Us.